Expert Review, Inc.

Expert Review, Inc. has been providing top quality independent medical record reviews to our clients nationwide since 1998. All cases are carefully reviewed by highly credentialed medical experts and managed by ERI's outstanding client support team.

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Expert Review offers a complete portfolio of medical services tailored to the needs of each individual client.  Our insistence on contracting with only highly credentialed practicing physicians requires us to assume a consultative client approach. Choosing the right service for each assignment ensures the most accurate outcomes consistently. 

Who We Serve

-Insurance Carriers

-Law Firms

-Third Party Administrators (TPA)



Cases We Handle

  • -Auto Liability
  • -Bodily Injury, PIP
  • -Special Investigation Unit (SIU)
  • -General Liability
  • -Products Liability
  • -Workers compensation
  • -Long & Short Term Disability

"ERI turns the high hurdle of securing outstanding medical experts for the entirety of the litigation process into a solid, secure endeavor. The whole team is a pleasure to work with, always available, and always excellent. Working with ERI is a great move for your client"

                        -Defense Counsel

"Please let Dr. D know that the case settled and thank him for me – we were able to resolve it for significantly less than the demand in large part due to his great opinion (the mediator was also very impressed with his reports)."

                        -Defense Counsel

"Dr. R. did a phenomenal job testifying.  He took this case very seriously and was extremely well prepared.  There were 17,000 pages of medical records so this was no small feat.  He knew the case cold.  I have never seen a doc work so hard to get ready to testify.  He basically obliterated the other side’s medical claims related to spine issues, and there were a number of them.  This is the first time he had testified in a civil case.  The judge and the court staff all told me that he was a very good medical expert, and I couldn’t agree more.  A very impressive job and worth its weight in gold.  I try cases all over the place all the time – 42 years in the business.  I work with experts all the time. This was a top notch job by any standard." 

                        -Defense Counsel

"Alicia was very helpful and scheduled a conference call for me and Dr. F on Friday afternoon.  We had a nice conversation and are off and running with his expert review."

               - Defense Counsel

"Thank you all for all of your high quality attention to detail. It is truly appreciated."

                 - Claims Rep.

"The decision did come back and we proved reduced damages based on the record review.  Thanks."

            - Claims Rep.

"Please send Dr. D a BIG thank you for me and also advise him that I believe his report was incremental in getting this matter to resolve  Happy Holidays to all at ERI, including the wonderful doctors"

           - Senior Claims Rep.

"I won a big case recently, thanks to Dr. S’s review."

           -Defense Counsel

"I have always considered ERI to offer best in class medical management. One of my top go to providers. Their level of quality, professionalism, and customer service is second to none!"

           -Senior Claims Manager

"ERI provides excellent products on every referral."

           -Senior Claims Rep

“I just wanted to thank you folks and Dr. H for excellent work he did  – case went to trial this week in Boston @ Suffolk Superior and essentially we got a defense win, largely due to Dr. H’s video testimony.  Dr. H did a record review, follow up record review, and then conducted an IME on the Plaintiff.”

       -Senior Examiner

"Always personal service to select most qualified physicians having the expertise for the particular injury at issue. Dr. S. was not only extremely user-friendly but also well-prepared for trial, and he used plain language to explain very complex issues. It was very clear that the jury liked him and trusted him, and they came back with a verdict consistent with everything he said. He was my entire case, and he got me a great result."

                        -Defense Counsel

“ERI is my 1st choice for record reviews and glad I can send the work your way"

           - Senior Claims Rep

“Great working with you guys and I will keep you in mind for future assignments"

           - Defense Counsel

"This report is excellent.  Please let Dr. H know that I am very pleased."

           - Defense Counsel

"The case settled at mediation, in large part because of Dr. B’s opinions.  Please pass along a thank you for Dr. B and I will not, obviously, need to schedule the AV depo."

           - Defense Counsel

"I had a mediation with our attorney and like me he loves the service you guys provide, fast, cost effective and beneficial.  You guys are at the top of my list!!"

-Claims supervisor


“I really appreciate all your help on a Saturday of a holiday weekend.  I have referred you to many of my colleagues.
We got the report to them just in time.  They did not oppose it coming in as an exhibit. The case settled shortly thereafter.  Dr D. is a good guy and very nice of him to do that.”
     -Defense counsel


“Thank you for your help with this matter! Please thank Dr. T for us as well. His expert analysis was instrumental in getting this one done.”
     -Defense counsel

“I just got done with my conference call with Dr. I. Thank you for setting it up. He was great to talk to and gave excellent insight into the medical issue we are dealing with!"
     -Defense counsel

“I spoke to Dr. H earlier today and I informed him that the case settled at about 2:00 pm today. In large part, this was due to Dr. H’s assistance in providing an excellent report, as well as his assistance in preparing for the A/V deposition of plaintiff’s medical expert (which did not go well for plaintiff).  As such, there will be no trial.  Once again thank you for all of your assistance (and patience). “

-Defense counsel


“We were able to settle the case at the mediation on Friday.  We think that Dr. H’s report played a substantial role in helping us to getting the case resolved at a much lower number than the Plaintiff was demanding. As an aside, both myself and co-counsel were very impressed with Dr H when we had our conference call last week."

-Defense counsel

“Let me add that it was a pleasure dealing with you and the turn-around time was very impressive.  Dr. H was great to work with, his report answered all of our questions”

-Defense counsel

“Just wanted to advise that this matter was settled in mediation yesterday. Please thank him for his hard work. Dr. J played an integral part in getting this matter settled.

-Defense counsel

“Your responsiveness was critical to this successful result so thank you very much for helping our client to achieve this excellent outcome!”

-Defense counsel